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Module 2

When you are a light to yourself you are a light unto the world.

Self-knowing becomes extraordinarily important to let your light shine.

Moving towards being in integrity with yourself reacquiring your power.  

  1. Seeing where you may be out of integrity with yourself and examining your reasons by looking at your "beliefs" allows you to truly see what your choices and motivations are in the present moment.
  2. From this information comes your power.

Learning objectives

 Goal: Describe effective psychological reason, logic, and sanity to make communication more effective.
  • Trust and creditability with yourself and others
  • List 3 factors that affect perception
  • Investigating your viewpoints.
  • Beliefs: where do they come from?
  • Why do they affect us?
  • And how to change them?
  • Gaining self-awareness through observation of your thoughts, emotions, feelings, and reactions in any given situation.
  • Becoming aware of the nature of your own thinking and feeling.

The Mind and Health

A mind is a practical tool, your ability to use it depends on your depth of experience and understanding of its basic structure and functions.

What controls our lives and the lives of others?

Ideas: ideas really control the world, for the world acts how it thinks.

An idea is a thing of thought.

Two things in our minds

  1. To confront, to exhault oneself.  5%
  2. Escape-run 95%
The child who confronts only when mother and father talks in union.  will or produce children that will escape and run.

It's how you were raised.  There are certain fundamental changes in the neurons.

Your pattern is set on the fiber of the neurons and that's what you are.



The science of thoughts 

Neuroscience is where psychology meets biology to further our understanding of physical, psychological and neurological health.

Analyze Thoughts, Emotions, Feelings & Beliefs 

Gradual pealing off as it were layer after layer and examining each layer analyzing what thought is and the content of each layer of thought.  If the analyzed thought is not perfect, complete, and true then that knowledge is not total, and in the next analyzed situation spins from that which is not complete. 


We think somewhere between 60,000 to 70,000 thoughts in one day.

We live a huge part of our lives on autopilot.

  • Thinking the same thoughts leads us to make the same choices.
  • Making the same choices leads to demonstrating the same behaviors
  • Demonstrating the same behaviors leads us to the same emotions, those same emotions then drive the same thought.
  • The same thoughts create the same reality as usual
Same reality, same thoughts, same choices, same actions and behaviors, same experiences, same feelings lead to an old state of being.

As a result of this conscious or unconscious process, your biology stays the same.

neither your brain nor your body changes at all because you're thinking the same thought, performing the same actions, and living by the same emotions even though you may be secretly hoping your life will change.

You create the same brain activity which activates the same brain circuits and produces the same brain chemistry which affects your body chemistry in the same way.

And that same chemistry signals the same genes in the same ways.

And since the expression of proteins is the expression of life or health, your health stays the same.

If you are thinking the same thoughts as yesterday, more than likely, you're making the same choices today.

Those same choices today are leading to the same behaviors tomorrow.

The habitual behaviors tomorrow are producing the same experiences in your future.

Your yesterday becomes your tomorrow so, in truth, your past is your future.

The familiar feeling is "you" your identity or your personality.  It's a state of being.

And it's comfortable, effortless, and autonomic. 

It's the known you who, quite frankly is living in the past.

When  you keep this redundant process going on a daily basis (because you wake up in the morning and anticipate and remember the feeling of "you" every day)

In time that know state of being can drive only the same thoughts that will influence you to crave the same automatic cycles of choices, behaviors, and experiences in order to arrive back to the familiar feeling that you think of as "you".

So everything stays the same about your personality, then your personality is made up of how you think, how you act, and how you feel.

You must become conscious of the unconscious behaviors you've been choosing to demonstrate that have led to the same experiences.

our personality is made up of how you think act and feel.


Experience is encoded into a memory system called implicit memory system, stored in our subconscious.  

We are operating at a very fundamental level to the emotion that we experience.

You recognize, an experience as being good, bad beautiful and holy and so on according to your conditioning.

Experiences becomes a bundle of memories and responds according to it's background.

There is memory of the past, there is the experience NOW AND there is imagination of the future.



The struggle of ideas

The struggle of ideas that is taking place today is the drama of ideas which lead to human conduct in the life of the individual.

Ideas are contagious.  An idea starts in one's mind and can be adopted by groups, gradually spreads and influences many.

You can get stuck because you can't let go of an idea.  

When you can't let go you punish yourself or deprive yourself.

But we can embrace an idea remember you can not eat drink or wear an idea.  An idea is not a physical location to which to go.  an idea is a thing of thought.

Emily Dickinson quote "truth is so rare that is so delightful to tell it"


The master of consciousness is the master self within you.

Consciousness is awareness, understanding and knowledge.

We can learn from pain and suffering which we learn form the human model or we can change in a state of Joy and inspiration

Our Consciousness as children develop 

The first 2 years of a Childs life their brain waves are basically in Delta it's like there asleep with their eyes opened.  And as they begin to interact with there environment ther brain waves change to it's theta wave it's kind of like that twilight state where you have mystical experiences.  The first 6 years of a Childs life they are in there sub-consciousness mind because that's what those brain wave patterns do.

As a result of it all of there attention is on there inner world feelings so they have an experiences that happen to them and when the experience happens they pay attention to their feelings that the primary motus for them.

And then when they feel altered they begin to look through their senses outside of them to see who or what caused it.  And that event in and of itself is called an associated memory.

 The first 6,7,8,9 years of our lives our brain waves movement is into alpha and ultimately beta waves.

And when we get into the beta we are pretty  much developed and analytical mind that serves a filter or a barrier to separate the conscious mind from the subconsciousness mind.

But that experience is encoded in a memory system which is called implicit memory system and stored in our sub-conscious.

So we don't know why we behave the way we do the rest of our lives.

It's because the events that have happened to us has us operating on a very fundamental level equal to the emotion that we've experienced.

In another way of putting it.  The moment you get in situations that bring up a similar situation that brings up an similar emotions that have branded you from the past you return back to say that 7 year old child and you behave in a very limited ways because that's all you know because no one has ever instructed yo to learn and to grow.

So people do all these psychoanalysis and they do all these different therapies and a lot of times it never gets to the core of it because they never get beyond their analytical mind to make those changes.

So there is techniques and ways to begin to lower the volume of those emotions that literally are stored in that system and as you begin to lower that volume of those emotions within that system, you begin to restore that system and the end product is called wisdom.

Because a memory without the emotional charge is called wisdom and that's how we grow and learn. 

In the work we do over and over again most people have an emotional situation that happens in their life.

Emotions are a record of the past. 

When you have a thought in the mind, you fuel that thought with the courage of love or fear and that thought creates a feeling.

You analyze and think inside that emotion.  So you are thinking in the past.  When you study the brain waves and study the brain functionally  the brain always gets worse.  

The brain gets out of balanced because the very hormones of stress begin to super arose the brain.

When you are facing a treat or something in your life that's potentially dangerous , the moment that happen you begin to anchor consciousness in the body.

You become very aware of your body because there's danger out there.

You become super aware of objects, and things in your environment because there is something dangerous out there.

Then you begin to obsess about time and now when you do that your brain waves changes because all your attention goes on the outer world because that's where the danger is.

 So 70% of time people stay in this state. that is a scientific fact.

When you study people in altered states we can see when they are analyzing their life.


What should I do?

Should I do this or that.  Within the emotion of whatever it is that keeps them anchored in the past they never really produce a change.

In order for you to change your body you have to get beyond toe thoughts that are creating disruption in the body.

In order to change some part of your personality it's "program" you have to get beyond the identity you have created.  You have to get beyond the association to know things and places in your life. 

And if you are going to create a novel event in some future time you have to get beyond the anticipation of the future based on the past.

When people actually do that, when they are pure consciousness that's the movement the brain can change in a matter of seconds because now the operator is no longer immersed in matter. 

The operator is now beginning to manipulate matter with a different level of mind.

So now people can heal that inner child work by overcoming emotions and it requires a certain amount of consciousness and awareness.

It requires a certain amount of metacognition or mindfulness to obser who they ae being and begin to modify the behaviors and create new experiences and to overcome some of those emotions that keep them anchored in the past.

But in order to do that people need to get beyond there environment and time that's when consciousness becomes the epi phenomenon of matter and a person can have an instantaneous experience that can change them.

Because they are already in the operating system and now we can see brain scans that show common people doing uncommon things.

And the amount of energy that is being captured in the brain by scans you've never seen in a scientific experiment to date which means that person that is having a full on inner experience that transcendent of any past experiences that they are having such a transcendent moment that the experience in that moment is reorganizing the circurity in their brain and the end product of that experience is call an emotion.

There feeling of aw and wonder and love and joy and ther signaling new genes and new ways that the past emotions are washed  out of the body and we've see anxiety, depression,change when the person literally connects that deeply to the power within them and that's the moment within them that the rewiring process can happen.

This is when you become aware with and connect with God and everyday they overcame a little aspect of themselves.

Surrender the piece of the limited self to connect with the greater self.

Let your upsets, anxiety, depression, loneliness be your greatest teacher because you get to have change.  Now yo have wisdom because the memory without the emotional charge is wisdom.

And the souls job is to embrace the unknow, create new experiences and if we ae living by the same emotions we get addicted to the same emotions everyday.

How can the soul go on an adventure into the future.

 if It is stuck emotionally in the past.  So positive thinking does not work if the person is literally anchored to the past emotion.

When people beguine to open ther heart we got enormous amount of data to feel how powerful you are and how connected you are when you can place courage and love rather the fear.  when you are feeling anxious , angre, frustrated and when your not judgemental.  Remembering that the field around your body is turning your fear, courage and love into chemistry.  

Buyt when you have courage your heart opens and you begin to breath through the center and its is safe to open up in the field and the field around your body can be 90 meters wide, science says your more energy and less matter.

And that non-locate phenomenon begins to have an effect.  We know that when people began to lower the volume that emoting signal the genes in the wrong way (negative) If the emotion is the record of the oast and over comes that emotion their free now to create a new futrue according to the religious model they ae born again in the same life. 


When you are super-aware of something...

When you have a super understanding of something...

When you have super knowledge of something ...

that something literally becomes your consciousness.

The thinker and the thought become one.

This is where we open the door of our thinking mind and our feeling nature.

The content of our consciousness is common to all mankind 

The content of our consciousness which forms our conditioning:

  1. Beliefs
  2. Conclusions 
  3. Nationalism
  4. Fears
  5. Pleasures
  6. Sorrow
  7. Love
  8. Compassion


Our understanding of the brain and central nervous system has taken a quantum leap.

Today we know that our thoughts and emotions, both normal and disturbed are the results of chemical processes going on within the brain.

Alter these processes, and the thoughts and emotions will be altered.  

We can change our internal states deliberately.

Brain and mind alteration through chemistry is a fact of our lives.

The brain function as a whole, the emphasis here is on those parts of the brain that play an important role in emotions and behavior.

the cerebrum. the largest part of the brain is divided into two hemispheres that consist of an inner core of the white matter and a deeply convoluted outer layer the gray matter called the cortex.  

The hemispheres are specialized for the processing of specific information.

For convenience, we separate them into four areas: 

The occipital- vision is processed through.  Some aspects of memory

The temporal - at the sides important hearing 

The temporal lobes, at the sides, are important for hearing some aspects of memory and a person's sense of self and time.

The parietal frontal lobes, along the top, is the sensory cortex the touch, pressure, and other skin-mediated sensations are processed.

The motor cortex, which processes will as opposed to reflex movements.


Pioneers in the cognitive-behavioral realms describe how our thoughts deceive us through cognitive distortions, irrational ways we think.

CONCEPT: A result of a carefully thought out arrangement of facts leading to something that can be subjected to further consideration or investigation.

In the world of science, what do we really know about thought?

The thought realm

  1. An idea or opinion is produced by thinking or occurring suddenly in the mind.
  2. The action or process of thinking
  3. The formation of opinions

In the world of science, what do we really know about thoughts?

We know we can measure them by hooking up scanners,  You can measure the frequency that is emitted when you think of them; they're measurable yet there isn't anywhere specific in the brain that holds them.

Early cognitive psychologists defined thought as an activity that resides in the brain: 

  • Sensory data come in from eyes and ears, fingers and funny bones, and the mind turns these signals into disembodied representations that it manipulates in what we call thinking.
  • Is it possible that you project your thoughts into the external world from your beliefs, fears, past memories, and experiences?
  • In this session, we will examine our own thoughts and how they influence our life experiences.

Forms of one's own authority

  • The authority of your own experience
  • Your own conclusions
  • Which becomes your authority which becomes your prejudices from your own experience.
            ones own understanding ( I understand so I am right)

Thinking comes from thoughts.

Thoughts are located in the brain matter as memory.

Memory is accumulated knowledge from experiences.

The experience leaves us with feelings.

That feeling we describe as an emotion.

We label emotions as happy, sad, peaceful etc.

Thought- accumulated memory from knowledge from an experience.

Impulse in the mind.

Thought is responsive memory.

Your thoughts are the author of the "stories" you have written about who you are and your experience in life.

Your stories are more fiction than reality until you look at your beliefs.

A brain is an association machine it connects things together.

Remembering is an act of attention to any situation. 

It is an act of rearranging all the members of that situation.  

A recall is also restructuring. 

Our memories the ones that shape our stories are not perfect recordings, it can shift and warp over time.

Why is memory so unreliable and how does memory work.

Memory is one of our most fundamental activities only when it fails us that we think about it at all.

Implicit memory conscious memories Historical events an example: stock market crashing, facts, dates numbers.  The kind of things memories athletes memorize.

Episodic memory- for personal experiences. knowing what you did yesterday is an episodic memory.

  • How our brain store memories?
Memories are not stored in one specific place.

Implicit memory  When you have an experience sensory memory is stored in many different parts of the brain. 

For example, you are at a recital, if you are playing an instrument say the cello or piano.  The sensory experience is processed in many different parts of the brain.

The sound of the cello uses the auditory cortex part of the brain.  Your face of your friend in the audience uses the fusion.. 

Each one of those memories is connected to people and things of certain times and places.  Each memory has an emotion.

Emotions are the end product of a past experience.


Example: When you are looking at a field of flowers words come into your mind.

  • How beautiful it is, the color the brilliance, the texture, the depth of the color. This whole field of color is put into words.
  • Or you translate it in terms 
  • You want to write about it, paint it or carry some of those flowers back to your house.
  • As you observe thought begins to discern, to judge, to evaluate.
and as you still go looking there is a space between you and the flower and that field of beautiful color.

This space this division between the observer and the thing observed is a whole issue of life.

Though which divides the observer from that beautiful field of flowers.

Thought gives it shape a certain contour of judgment whether that thought which brings pain and pleasure whether that though upon which we depend so much to solve all our problems.

Then is that division there is conflict.

There is choice there is a constant struggle and we have many problems at all levels of our life.


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Processing your experience- What are your perception, reactions, beliefs and conditioning? 

Processing- your sensations

Your daily living:  What is desire?  How does desire arise?  What is the relationship between desire and thought?  Who is the controller who controls desire?  Why does religion say not to have desire?  not the object of desire example  The child wants to be the first in his class, You want a new car, those are objects of desire.  But desire itself.   What is the origin and beginning of desire?

I see you There is the seeing the color of the shirt.  The seeing with the eye, visual perception, and there is a sensation you may say I don't like that color, but I like this color. Seeing from which arises a sensation then I contact the shirt when we say contact we mean touch it.  Sensation, contact,and from that contact greater sensation. Example: I see a beautiful shirt in the window, seeing then going inside and touching the material then greater sensation.

Seeing, contact, and greater sensation.  go into it carefully.  I see that beautiful house, the seeing creates a sensation, (I want to have it) that's sensation.

We must have sensations otherwise you are biologically, physically paralyzed. If your arm doesn't feel then that arm is paralyzed. there must be a sensation.  (sensation is a natural health state) If I ask you a question and your are naturally healthy aware you're responding. 

But if your tried, sleepy or lazy or your burden with philosophy or with other people's sayings, you can't respond you will say what other people said.

So there is seeing, contact, sensation.  This is natural, that's what takes place.

It's all so rapid instantaneous.

We are slowing it down, what takes place (The sensation is registered in the brain. )  example: I see the house, the seeing the touching the marble looking at good widows that is sensation, then thought comes in and says how nice it would be if I had that house. 

as we see what takes place is (thought) thought is another sensation.  Thought creates the image, that I must have that house.  That is sensation then thought instantly creates the image of me living in that house.  

Thought takes charge of the sensation.  and out of that sensation creates the image and the image is owning that house.

or that car or something.

The sensation is healthy, normal then thought comes along and says, (out of that sensation creates the image) and when thought shapes the sensation

at that second desire is born.

why are you a slave to desire?

we are always trained to control, suppress, transcend escape in various forms from desire .

Do you see people holding their bible either the monks or whoever never look around because of temptation.

People never look at the beauty of the earth the flowers, the stream the skies.

the passing women but don't be tempted. 

sensation is right natural healthy can thought not interfere.

When thought takes charge of sensation at that second desire is born.

Sensation is natural and there is a gap when thought doesn't interfere.

So can thought abstain for a few seconds?  That means tremendous awareness.   Great attention.

To see sensation is natural and discover for yourself that the moment takes charge of the sensation, at that second desire is born.

I want that house of that woman.  to be aware to pay attention so that thought doesn't take charge of sensation.  That is timeless.

Discipline is not the end of desire.

The discipline itself becomes desire.

But if you learn what is desire not from the speaker from yourself.  Investigate, go into it, it is you'rs your learning.

Learning is ever-lasting.

knowledge is limited, finite.

Not learn about desire but if your learning, the meaning about desire what is involved in it, how it arises, keep on learning.

That very learning brings it own discipline.

If you want to become a good chemist or good biologist that very subject becomes the means of training. of discipline.

Ask this question of yourself, why life is an extraordinary thing, great complexity, great beauty, why that life has become so shoddy?

Beliefs come from perception when somethings happens your perception then you make a story out of your perception then you and you live defending and protecting that belief.

Beliefs come from stories how things are perceived.

Belief Systems - How it affects you and your perception.

When someone says it's a horrible experience.  I want to know how you feel.  (like I'm still prisoner" and can you tell me the emotion that goes with that anger?  So the moment they recall those memories of their problems, they all of a sudden feel unhappy, and they feel pain.

How you think and how you feel creates a state of being.

Do your beliefs empower you or disempower you?  As it turns out most people don't even know.  The majority of us go through life as compulsive accumulating beliefs from our families, experiences, and surroundings without even examining.

But to truly thrive we need not only be aware of our beliefs we must actively choose them.

Where do they come from why do they affect us, and how to change them.


Where does your perspective come from? 

Trust is the determination of thought, memory, and experience.

As you go through your life you usually look at other people and events from your own point of view.  Each and every one of us fights to defend and protect our own point of view and perspectives …but do you really know what you are fighting to defend and protect?

Where does your perspective come from?

Your individual perspective depends on how you were raised, the events you experienced throughout your life, and the stories you told yourself about those events.

Family friends and peers, teachers, religious groups, cultural groups, etc., have taught you what was right, wrong, good bad, acceptable, and unacceptable,  This education "who we should be" has been called "domestic conditioning" by some.

Much of the drama and distress in your life stems from not just your experiences, but the reaction, perception, and beliefs and conditioning about those experiences that you have taken on from others.

So what does that mean?

The familiar will sooner or later be predictable in the future.

Most people spend 70% of their life living in survival and living in stress so they are living in the worst-case scenario based on a You past experience.

And literally out of the infinite potential in the quantum field there selecting the worst possible outcome and they are beginning to emotionally embrace it. 

When you condition the body in a state of fear enough times the body has a panic attack without you.

You can't even predict it because it's programmed subconsciously.

So people become addicted to the rush of those emotions.

and they use the problem and conditions in their life to reaffirm their limitation.

So at least they can feel something.

You say to the person "why are you this way?) Well, every time they recall the event they're producing the same chemistry in the brain and body as if the event is occurring..

 Firing and wiring the same circuits and sending the same emotional signature.

What is the relevance behind this?

Your body is your unconscious mind.

Example: If your sitting down and you start thinking about some future worst-case scenario that you're conjuring up in your mind.  

And you start to think about it you begin the emotion of that event.

Your body doesn't know the difference between that event that is taking place in your world (outer) world and what you're creating by thoughts alone.

So most people constantly reaffirming their emotional states.

So when it comes time to give up that emotion they can say I really want to do it.

But really the body is stronger than the mind because it's been conditioned that way.

So now the servant now has become the master.

And that person once they step into the unknown they rather feel guilt suffering because they can predict it.

Being in the unknown is a scary place for most people because the unknown is uncertain.

The best way to create the future is from the unknown.

What thoughts do you want to fire and wire in your brain?

What behaviors do you want to demonstrate in one day?

The mental rehearsing

The act of rehearsing the action.  By closing your eyes and mentally rehearsing some action.  If you're truly present, the brain does not know the difference between what you're imagining and what you're experiencing in the 3D world.

The brain does not know the difference between what is imaging what you're experiencing.

So then you begin to install the neurological hardware in your brain.

To look like the event has already occurred.

Now your brain is no longer a record of the past.  Now it's a map to the future.

Now if you keep doing it, and priming in that way, the hardware becomes a software program.  And you can start acting like a happy person.

Teach the body emotionally what the future will feel kike ahead of the actual experience.

What does that mean?

To change how we feel better inside of us.

The old model is waiting for something outside of us.  

The new module is change how we feel inside of ourselves.

you couldn't felt it or taste it but it was alive by thought that created it in the mind and see what and live in what is possible. Your brain has the capacity to visualize and your brain has the capacity to change to look like it has already happened.

Does your environment control your thinking or does your thinking control your environment?

According to neuroscience, your brain is organized to reflect everything you know in your life.  Your brain is a record of your environment,

an artifact of your past.

So does your environment control your thinking or does your thinking control your environment?

When you are thinking the same thoughts from the same memories from the knowledge from your experience, creating the same actions that create the same, a product of the same emotion.

As the environment turns on different circuits in the brain you begin to think equal to your environment.

As you see the same people and you go to the same places and do the same things at the same time.

It's the environment that's turning on different circuits in your Brian causing you to think equal to everything you know.

And as long as you think equal to everything that you know and everything that is familiar what do you keep creating?

More of the same life.

You are just thinking equal to everything you know and you keep creating more of the same.

Can you believe in the future that you can't see or experience with your senses?


 â€‹( This part is at the beginning of module 1)To improve ourselves at certain tasks the mechanism of transmitting those what we call action potentials from one neuron to another is the basis of how information is transmitted in our body is the basis of computation and is the basis of memory in our minds.

A memory is just a group of neurons having a familiar conversation.  So as you learn a new skill we're forming a stronger and stronger memory of how to accomplish a new task. 

Examples: playing basketball, the piano, tieing a shoe can be locked into our memories for a lifetime. other memories like faces and names can fade over time as we need them less.  

Our neurons forget how to make those connections.  But sometimes emotions are so strong that they overload the system with life-threatening consequences.


Knowledge is a rumor until it lives in the body.  You really don't know something until your body knows it.  You can feel it in your muscles.

Thought and emotion create a feeling.  The emotions of pain, terra, and feelings of shock are chemical sensations.

The mind with its attachments can make us "obsessed"

If we are in a balanced state of being in our mind we can take that knowledge of the experience and it can become wisdom for you to move forward in a healthier way.

Experience- we have experienced either positive or negative and form a belief around it and move on acquiring more beliefs without really realizing it.

Example: imagine you're a child and your teacher ridicules you in front of the class because you could not spell a word.

You sit in your seat telling yourself spelling ore even worse I'm tumb.

Those newly held beliefs are hardened by conformation or the tendency for people to seek out to confirm the beliefs rather than challenge them.

Experience with our senses, knowledge from experience memory - energy- image. Thought creates an image -I have an image about you, you have an image about me.  Thought takes charge of sensation.

Experience is a bundle of memories responding to a challenge and it can respond only according to its background.  And the cleaver you are at interpreting the experience the more it responds.

So you have to question not only the experience of another but your own experience.

If you don't recognize an experience it isn't an experience at all.

Every experience has already been experienced or you wouldn't recognize it. 

You recognize an experience as being good, bad, beautiful, holy, and so on according to your condition, and therefore the recognition of an experience must inevitably be old. 

When we demand an experience of we all don't we? To experience it we must know it and the moment we recognize it we have already projected it and therefore it is not real because it is still within the field of thought and time.

if thought can think about reality it cannot be reality.

We cannot recognize a new experience,  It is impossible.

we recognize only something we have already known therefore when we say we have had a new experience it is not new a all.

To seek further experience through expansion of consciousness, as is being done through various psychedelic drugs, is still within the field of consciousness therefore very limited.

So we have discovered a fundamental truth, which is that a mind that is seeking, craving, for wider and deeper experience is a very shallow and dull mind because it lives always with its memories.

Now if we didn't have any experience at all, what would happen to us?

We depend on experience, challenges, to keep us awake.

If there were no conflicts within ourselves, no changes, no disturbances, we would all be fast asleep.

So challenges are necessary for most of us, we think that without them our minds will become stupid and heavy, and therefore we depend on a challenge.  An experience, to give us more excitement, more intensity, to make our minds sharper.

But in fact this dependence on challenges and experiences to keep us awake, only makes our minds duller, it doesn't really keep us awake at all.

So I ask myself, is it possible to keep awake totally not peripherally at a few points of my being, but totally awake without any challenge or any experience?

This implies a great sensitivity, both physical and psychological; it means I have to be free of all demands, for the moment I demand, I will experience.

And to be free of demand and satisfaction necessitates investigation into myself and an understanding of the whole nature of demand.


Demand is born out of duality.  I am unhappy and I must be happy.

In that very demand that I must be happy is unhappiness.

When one makes an effort to be good, in that way goodness is its opposite, and effort to overcome strengthens that against which it strives.

Everything affirmed contains its own opposite, and effort to overcome strengthens that against which it strives.

When you demand an experience of truth or reality, that very demand is born out of your discontent with what is, and therefore the demand creates the opposite.

And in the opposite there is what has been so one must be free of this incessant demand, otherwise, there will be no end to the corridor of duality.

This means knowing yourself so completely that the mind is no longer seeking.

Such a mind does not demand experience, it cannot ask for a challenge or know a challenge.  It does not say, I am asleep or I am awake.

It is completely what it is.

Only the frustrated, narrow shallow mind, the conditioned mind, is always seeking more.  Is it possible then to live in this world without the more without this everlasting comparison?

Surely it is, but one has to find out for oneself.  Investigation into this whole question is meditation.

Fear has existed from time with the man.  And man has lived with it.  Both consciously or hidden deep down, its roots very very deep.

And whether we have escaped from it through logic, through analysis, through any form of entertainment that helps us avoid coming directly into contact with it and holding it, or we have suppressed it or we neglect it.  And one knows the consequences of fear physical shrinkage, a tendency to be hypocritical, resistant, and avoidance of the fact that one is really afraid.  

A reaction called fear.  If we want to be free of fear we have to go to the root of it.  There is biological fears, the body the organism which must protect itself, and the fear of disease, old age, death, and the fear of past memories so fear is again a common ground upon which all human beings stand.

So we can either find out superficially or enquire into it very deeply.

What is the root of fear?

One knows various forms of fear. Death old age fear of tomorrow, fear of uncertainty, fear of insecurity, fear of not being loved or loved and not receiving that love, fear of loneliness, fear of loss fear of not having anybody to depend on, and there are various forms of fear, fear of the dark the fear of light., outward forms of fear?  I'm afraid of a bully all the time, so you lie, you do all kinds of things.  There is the fear of constant pressure from an aggressive, sightly demented person.   So do we want to deal with fear superficially which is intellectually verbally or do we want to go into it very deeply?

It's a serious question which you must answer for yourself.  If you want to deal with it superficially that's the end of it. It's like a tree the moment you cut down a branch one twig of it there is another on rising its perpetual flowering of fear.  Or we can look at nature and structure how it comes into being.

What is the root of fear?

We are together investing into it together.  we have done all kinds of things. If there is absolutely no psychological fear.

What is basically the root of fear?

Is it time and thought?  Investigate it.  Is it time the future or the past?  And is it also thought, thinking about the future thinking about the future, the past thinking of what might happen. Or what has happened.  The future is the past is time.  The past modifying itself in the present moves to tomorrow the future.  

The remembrance of an incident that has caused fear, and the future of that incident awakening a new fear.

So there is horizontal fear a vertical fear.  The past the present and the future.  One is afraid of the present.

The instability, the threat of war, the bomb that some country might put on us and so on.

So one is afraid of the past, present, and future.  This is a movement it's not something that is stagnant, a movement means time.

From here to the city requires time traveling, from one point to another point it means time.  

Is time one of the factors of fear?  Logically it seems so.  rationally, sanely. and is thought also the root of fear?  I think tomorrow I might be unemployed.  Thinking g about it, thinking about tomorrow is also the beginning of fear.

Thinking about the past the incidents the psychological accident which has brought about certain forms of fear, thinking about the past thinking about the future, thinking about the actual moment of life.  Which there is such tremendous uncertainty.  Thought breeds fear.  so time and thought, are they the major factors of fear.  And in reality, they are, what is one to do?

Then ask yourself is it an idea that you accepted.  The words that you have accepted, or listening with that listening I have made an abstraction of it into an idea and I am struggling with the idea.  Then I ask how am I to put that idea into action?

We have a habit of making abstractions of a fact.  Those abstractions become ideals, concepts, conclusions all verbal.

And then I ask myself how am I to carry out these ideas, these concepts that time and thought are the roots of fear.  I have made an abstraction of what you have told me time and thought are the root of fear.  And I am pursuing the idea, how I am to carry out in life.

Don't make an abstraction of what you have heard.

That time and thought are the roots of fear.  Don't translate it to an idea.  Find out the truth of it.  The actuality of it TO SEE RALLY I AM AFRAID OF THE PAST.

Also, I am afraid of the present.  That things are so increataby instructive around me.  

And also I am afraid of tomorrow the future. The atom bomb, the nuclear bomb, the mugging the mad terrorist, the politicians, and their games.

That is the present and also the future.  I see the fact and not the idea that time and thought are the roots of fear.

Now, what shall I do?  I realize I see the fact, I see the truth of what you have told me.  Not romantic, idealistic, all that has no meaning.

I see the truth the actual truth.

then the difficulty arises, who is the observer that actually sees the fact. Who says I see the fact of it.  is the observer different from what he sees?  When I say, yes I see the truth of what you have told me, I have already played a trick of I see the truth of it.  That means I am different from the truth.  

When I am angry, is that anger different from me?

Or at the moment of anger, there is no difference.

There is a tremendous reaction A few seconds later I say, I have been angry, Therefore I have divided myself as the me who has been angry.  

So time and thought are the factors of fear, I listen to it very carefully.  I say i see the truth of it and the perception of the truth is something out there, and me watching it.

Or there is no observer but only the fact of it.  I observe the tree in that observation, words spring up, that's an oak tree, and the very naming of that tree prevents me from looking at it.  If I go to the museum and see a painting of the old masters when i compare one painting to another painting i am not looking at the actual painting of a particular master.

I am comparing, judging i and never observing very closely.  you sny drndr of other psinyrtd looking.  so when I see the truth of what you have told me there is no division between the observer and the observed.

There is only the truth of it not I see it.



Creating the same life

Being emotionally driven is a science it is the art of human study.


Emotions pull on you, they control your actions and they guide you throughout your life.  The emotional state you are in has a lot to do with the environment that t you will be creating for yourself.

If something happens to you that is unpleasant and you are in a good emotional place, it can be a totally different experience.

The ways your brain influences your emotions

You're feeling sad, but it isn't just because you are disappointed. 

sadness from heartache, elation at finding a long-lost friend, anxiety before a job interview

You might like to think you're completely in control of what you feel and you understand what causes those feelings.

But your brain can be sneaky sometimes.  A lot is going on inside your head and your brain and its complex processes and even manipulating your emotions.

In other words, there's way more behind that angry feeling than the car that just cut you off.

Most (much) is involved in interpreting emotional circumstances and crafting your responses to them.  Your brain is affecting how you feel and how your respond to those feelings in ways you've probably not even aware of.   

This leads us to ask?

  1. What's going on up there, and just how is your brain influencing your emotions?
  2.  Your brain's hemisphere keep your emotions in check 
  3. Different parts of your brain are responsible for different emotions
  4. Brain chemicals dictate your mood 
  5. Your brain perceives and acts upon emotional stimuli
Emotions: the limbic system is a set of structures that produces emotions.  These emotional systems create the approach or withdrawal behaviors that ensure our survival.

Emotions have a deep influence on our relationships, decision-making, and life purpose in both positive ways and negative ways.

Learning to recognize and manage our emotions is a critical life task.

Memory and emotions get wrapped up with each other and it's hard to pull them apart.

When two neurons meet, a very small gap(synapse) exists between them The electrical impulses traveling along the axon of the neuron must convert into a chemical signal to bridge this gap.  The chemicals that do this are called neurotransmitters.

Neurotransmitters: these so-called chemical messengers are involved in our different responses to situations.

Your emotions depend on fluctuating levels of neurotransmitters which cause the activation of different parts of the brain responsible for different moods or activated parts of the brain that trigger the stimulation of the autonomic nervous system.

  • Adrenaline: Released by the adrenal glands that sit on top of each kidney.  Adrenaline increases the flow of blood to our muscles, raises our heart rate, and dilates our pupils.  It is crucial in our flight or fight survival response.
  • Noradrenaline
  • Dopamine
  • Glutamate
  • Endorphins
  • Serotonin
  • Oxytocin
  • GABA
  • Acetylcholine
  • Endorphins
  • Serotonin
These chemical soups drive us to act.

People don't buy logically they don't fall in love logically they do it emotionally.

Find and decode your emotion

How to take your knowledge and turn it into power, why must I do this?  Because if you don't have the why you won't do the what.

Why must I use this?  You have all the energy, fuel, and drive to do it.

When will I use this?  Sustainable life, liberty, and joyfulness.

Fear and how it affects emotions

We may fear people, places, or things that we associate with an unpleasant experience.

Fear has existed from time with the man.  And man has lived with it.  Both consciously or hidden deep down, its roots very very deep.

And whether we have escaped from it through logic, through analysis, through any form of entertainment that helps us avoid coming directly into contact with it and holding it, or we have suppressed it or we neglect it.  And one knows the consequences of fear physical shrinkage, a tendency to be hypocritical, resistant, and avoidance of the fact that one is really afraid.  

A reaction called fear.  If we want to be free of fear we have to go to the root of it.  There is biological fears, the body the organism which must protect itself, and the fear of disease, old age, death, and the fear of past memories so fear is again a common ground upon which all human beings stand.

So we can either find out superficially or enquire into it very deeply.

What is the root of fear?

One knows various forms of fear. Death old age fear of tomorrow, fear of uncertainty, fear of insecurity, fear of not being loved or loved and not receiving that love, fear of loneliness, fear of loss fear of not having anybody to depend on, and there are various forms of fear, fear of the dark the fear of light., outward forms of fear?  I'm afraid of a bully all the time, so you lie, you do all kinds of things.  There is the fear of constant pressure from an aggressive, sightly demented person.   So do we want to deal with fear superficially which is intellectually verbally or do we want to go into it very deeply?

It's a serious question which you must answer for yourself.  If you want to deal with it superficially that's the end of it. It's like a tree the moment you cut down a branch one twig of it there is another on rising its perpetual flowering of fear.  Or we can look at nature and structure how it comes into being.

What is the root of fear?

We are together investing into it together.  we have done all kinds of things. If there is absolutely no psychological fear.

What is basically the root of fear?

Is it time and thought?  Investigate it.  Is it time the future or the past?  And is it also thought, thinking about the future, the past thinking of what might happen. Or what has happened.  The future is the past is time.  The past modifying itself in the present moves to tomorrow the future.  

The remembrance of an incident that has caused fear, and the future of that incident awakening a new fear.

So there is horizontal fear and vertical fear.  The past the present and the future.  One is afraid of the present.

The instability, the threat of war, the bomb that some country might put on us, and so on.

So one is afraid of the past, present and the future.  This is a movement it's not something that is stagnant, a movement means time.

From here to the city requires time traveling, from one point to another point it means time.  

Is time one of the factors of fear?  Logically it seems so.  rationally, sanely. and is thought also the root of fear?  I think tomorrow I might be unemployed.  The thinking g about it, thinking about the tomorrow is also the beginning of fear.

Thinking about the past the incidents the psychological accident which has brought about certain forms of fear, thinking about the past thinking about the future, thinking about the actual moment of life.  Which there is such tremendous uncertainty.  Thought breeds fear.  so time and thought, are they the major factors of fear.  And in reality, they are, what is one to do?

Then ask yourself is it an idea that you accepted. 

Some people try to keep their fears a secret because they consider being afraid a sign of weakness.

But fear grows and grows if it is locked up inside.  It feeds on your imagination until you cannot even recognize the original fear because it is so distorted.

It is important to understand fear.


  • Fearful
  • Panicky
  • Shocked
  • Overwhelmed
  • Intimidated
  • Desperate
  • Frantic
  • Terrified
  • Vulnerable
  • Horrified
  • Petrified
  • Appalled
  • Tormented
  • Tense 
  • Full of Dread
  • Threatened.
People who abuse alcohol and other drugs know a lot about fear.  Addiction and fear are like two desperate friends, hiding to from the rest of the world.  They are never far apart.

How can you break out of your fear?

How can you stay free of alcohol and drugs and still face a world that can lock and feel frightening?

When you are caught up in an experience  

your senses capture the event and then relay all that vital information back to the brain through the five different sensory pathways.

Once that data reaches the brain, mobs of nerve cells organize into fresh networks to reflect the novel external event.

The moment those circuits jell, the brain makes a chemical to signal the body and alter its physiology.

That chemical is called a feeling or an emotion.

We can remember past events because we can remind ourselves of how they felt.

This can change your inner state of being.

Emotions are decision-making.

Research reveals that emotions constitute powerful, persuasive, and predictable drivers of decision-making. 

Emotions influence judgment and choices.

  • We shape what we see
  • we shape what we feel
  • Basic emotion comes from love or fear
  • Emotions come from the creative center
  • When we think a thought in our mind, we fule that thought and give that thought life with the fear we place into that thought and when we do that we create a feeling.

Routine Behavior- When you go through the same routine behaviors that push the same emotional buttons, that is where you lose your free will to a program. So when it comes time to change, the redundancy of that cycle becomes a sub-conscious program,  and there is only you who can change the program.  

95% of who we are by the time we are 35 years old are a set of :

  • Hard-wired attitudes want to be healthy, I want to be happy, I want to be free. 
  • But the body is on a whole different program 
  • Unconscious habits 
  • Emotional reactions
A person can say with 5% of their unconscious mind.  I want to change.

So how do you begin to make those changes?

You have to go beyond the analytical mind.

What separates the conscious mind from the subconscious mind is the analytical mind.

You can teach people through practice.

How to change your brain waves and slow them down.

And when they do that properly they can enter the operating system where they begin to make some changes ( Some really important changes).

Most people wait for crisis or trauma or disease or diagnosis, or loss, or tragedy to make their minds change.

You can learn and change in a state of Joy and inspiration 

Casting off the prejudices and preconceived ideas.



  1. An acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists.
  2. Trust, faith, or confidence in someone or something.
Whenever we hear an opinion and believe it, we make an agreement with ourselves.  Recognizing the beliefs we take on, there is great magnitude in these personal beliefs if you internalize them.  When you start to really consciously look at your beliefs you will sell how they affect you in everything you do; your work, personal life, relationships, and how you communicate with yourself and others.

Through this course, by recognizing your beliefs you will gain more personal power over yourself and your reactions,  You will learn how to change beliefs that are not serving you and change your actions which will form healthy habits and these habits will drive your life.

Examining our beliefs and how they are formed and shaped in childhood.  The reinforcements we receive in childhood turn into our beliefs and in time are accepted by us as absolute truths.

As children, we lived according to these beliefs even if we felt they were false, when we violated those beliefs we suffered because we were afraid of being unpopular or not good enough.  The fear of not being good enough or of not being well-liked is in fact our greatest fear as human beings.

Our beliefs define who we can be, how we should feel in any given situation, how we are allowed to act, and what we can or cannot achieve.    

If you think about it, every belief that you have has been put there or suggested by somebody else.

Do your beliefs empower you or disempower you?

As it turns out most people don't even know.

The majority of us go through life as compulsive accumulating beliefs, from our families, experiences, and surroundings without even examining them.

But to truly thrive we need not only be aware of our beliefs we must actively choose them.

Where do they come from?

Why do they affect us.  and how to change them.

A belief is a proposition we accept as true, with at least some kind of conviction. 

As Ralph Lewis Writes Beliefs are energy-saving shortcuts and modeling and predicting the environment.  

Beliefs help us reduce the amount of mental effort required to act, allowing us to live faster and easier lives.

They can be empowering helping you to live a life of your own design or disempowering making.  You the victim of life circumstances.

We have experienced either positive or negative and from a belief around it and more on acquiring more beliefs without really realizing it.

Example: imagine you a child and your teacher ridicules you in front of the class because you could not spell a word.

You sit in your seat telling yourself "I'm not good at spelling or even worse I'm dumb.

Those newly held beliefs are hardened by information or the tendency for people to seek out to confirm their beliefs rather than to challenge them.

Beliefs and associated memory

Remember that a belief starts as just a thought.  It's simply a thought that you keep thinking and thinking and practicing.

Eventually what the thinker thinks the prover proves.

This means you will see evidence all around you to prove to yourself that your belief it's true as it's showing up in your reality.

As adults, look at what beliefs you may have of yourself.   As a child, you had to "think" something in order to experience yourself.

You could have thought anything and what you practiced and practiced it's just a story you have told yourself.

It's not true (until you made it so)  Thought is accumulated memory, form knowledge form an experience.

Impulse in the brain.

Beliefs Dissected

Changing a belief requires changing a subconscious program.

Beliefs dissected:

When you string a succession of thoughts and feelings together so threaded they ultimately become habituated or automatic, they form an attitude.

A belief is a subconscious state of being.

Attitudes are just shortened states of being.

What emotional state are you believing in?

What emotional state are you accepting?

What emotional state are you surrounding?

How you think and feel creates a state of being

A look at feelings

Feelings are neither good nor bad.  We think they just happen.  Often feelings can be uncomfortable.  That is why some people try to hide from them or cover them up.  At other times they may pretend they have feelings that are not really there.

Sometimes people run away or use alcohol or drugs to change the way they feel.  But this is not a way to solve problems.  The problems are still there while you are on the run or after the effects of alcohol or drugs wear off.

In order to work on your problems, it is important for you to understand what is going on in the mind and body.

The arousal system

The high positive arousal system
  • Confident
  • Enthusiastic
  • Happy Indifferent
The low positive arousal system
  • Relaxed
  • Calme
  • Content
The negative high arousal system
  • Anxious
  • Frustrated
  • Hysterical 
 The negative low arousal system
  • Depressed 
  • Miserable
  • Don't care
Some feelings seem to "bigger" than others.  These big feelings of shame, guilt, grief, anger, and fear are especially important.

Understanding what feelings are and how to regulate them is very important.

What is Shame?

Shame is an inner sense of being bad, inadequate, defective, or not good enough.  It is judging yourself and giving yourself a failing grade. 

Shame says... "I am bad"  "I am worthless" "I am not enough" no matter what I do.  "I'll still be a failure"

 Shame is often disguised as other emotions or behaviors it stays hidden and continues to grow.

  • Numbness 
  • Blicking Out
  • Depression 
  • Controlling 
  • Perfectionism
  • Anger
Shame has many causes

Feelings of shame may be developed at a very young age through rules which require perfection, a strict lifestyle, love which is given based on performance or repeated: "put-downs."

Things that cause a person to feel shame:

  • Physical, emotional, sexual abuse.
  • Invasion of privacy
  • Assaults
  • Feeling that no one care about you
  • Sexual feelings
  • Being left all alone or being scared of being left all alone.
  • Family secrets (bankruptcy, suicide, addiction, divorces, accidents, abuse, etc.
  • Being told you are bad or wrong without having any way to make things right.
What is guilt?

Guilt is the feeling you get when your behavior does not match your values.

Here's an example: " I took something that didn't belong to me and I felt guilty about it.  The guilt just wouldn't go away so I decided to put it back where I found it and I felt much better." (this has to do with your behavior that comes from your beliefs)

What is grief?

Grief is the intense sadness we feel when we lose something or someone,  The loss can be real or imagined, or anticipated.

Grief can be felt over both large or small losses.  The greater the loss, however, the greater the grief.


  • Loss of a loved one
  • Loss of a friend
  • Loss of a parent
  • Loss of another family member
  • Loss of alcohol/drug
  • Loss of a home 
  • Loss of physical abilities
  • Loss of a classmate, 
  • Loss of a pet
  • Loss of good health
  • Loss of something very special

Anger can block you from feeling good about yourself and sharing that goodness with those around you.

What am I really feeling?

Why am I feeling this way? Am I judging other people?  Am I angry because I'm not getting what I want?

What we call anger 

  • Furious 
  • Seething enraged
  • Hostile
  • Vengeful
  • Incensed 
  • Abused 
  • Humiliated
  • Hateful
  • Sabotaged
  • Betrayed
  • Perturbed
  • Rebellious
  • Outraged
  • Fuming 
  • Exploited
  • Mad


Fear is a common emotion.

WE fear the unknown or things we don't understand.

We may fear people, places, or things that we associate with an unpleasant experience.

Attitudes are just shortened states of being.  They can fluctuate from moment to moment as you alter how you think and feel. 


If you have a series of good thoughts that are aligned with a series of good feelings, you might say "I have a good attitude today."  And if you have a sequence of negative thoughts that are connected to a sequence of negative feelings, then you might say "I have a bad attitude".

If you revisit the same attitude enough times, then it becomes automatic. 

If you repeat or maintain long enough and you string those attitudes together, that's how you create a belief,

A belief is just an extended state of being.

Beliefs are thoughts and feelings (attitudes) that you keep thinking and feeling over and over again you hardwire them in your brain and emotionally condition them into your body.

You say you become addicted to them which is why it's so hard to change them and why it doesn't feel good on a gut level when they're challenged.

Because experiences are neurologically etched into your brain (causing you to think.)

The first 2 years when we are developing, the brain waves are in Delta

Delta waves activity has been purported to aid in the formation of declarative and explicit memory formation.

Neocortical neurons enhance signal processing.  They function primarily from subconscious min.  At this level there is very little critical thinking or judgment fire spontaneously these neurons appear to have some sort of internal dialogue, which accounts for the mental activity during this state where the is no information from the (outside) external.

Theta:  â€‹

These wave frequencies measure 4 to 8 cycles per sound.

They are predominant in children aged between 2 and 6.

Children are very connected in their internal world.  

They live in the realm of imagination, daydreaming, and still not able to show signs of critical, rational thinking.  

This is a super learning state, where the child is open to suggestions.  

These children are likely to accept what you tell them as true.

The signals of the synaptic inhibition at the thalamic level.

It is like sleeping with our eyes opened.

And as they interact with their environment there brain waves change to " Theta" (twilight) state between the age of 0-7 are our programming years.

Children will spend most of the time in Alpha and Theta brainwave cycles, which is the same state that a person is in when they are in hypnosis or meditation.

So you (you're) or children u[ to 7 years of age is walking around in a permanent state of hypnosis, being programmed by the environment open to suggestion, in a super learning state.  

These are the years we take on beliefs about ourselves and life, and many of these beliefs will remain unconscious throughout the rest of our lives, though they will show up in our behaviors our achievements, our goals, how we choose our friends, our life patterns and so on.

If you think about it, every belief that you have has been put there or suggested by somebody else.

The first 6 years into a child's life there in the subconscious mind because that's what the brain pattern does as a result that all their attention is on their inner world (feelings).  

So they have experience e what happened to them.  

And when that experience happens to them they pay attention to their feelings that's their primary note to them.

When they feel altered they begin to look  through the senses outside of therm to see who or what caused and that event itself is called an 

associated memory.

For the first 6,7,8,9 

Alpha frequency

Between ages 5 to 8 the brain waves change into an alpha frequency of 8 to 13 cycles per second.

This is the point at which the analytical mind begins to form. 

Children start to interpret and draw conclusions from their environment.

Still, though, the inner world of imagination tends to be as real as the outer world of reality, children in this age group tend to have a foot in both left and right brain hemispheres at the same time.  

People who meditate or who are in a light trance are in this frequency which is peaceful and relaxed, through alert and with powerful ideas and inspiration.

This is a great state to be in the brainstorming, creating ideas, or learning. 

(schools should take note kids learn when they are relaxed and having fun. not when they are stressed.


From ages 8 to 12 and onwards, brain activity increases to anything about 13 cycles per second.  

This is the world of consciousness analytical thinking.

Adults spend most of their time in this cycle.

So as you can see from the above, a crucial time in helping our children install positive beliefs about themselves and life in general.

This is the time to install positive messages, as they will be accepted as truth.

Comments like "Your sister is smarter than you are,  your so clumsy, big boys don't cry will have a huge impact. 

One of the biggest tools that you can give them is a powerful, positive and healthy belief system.

The mos limiting beliefs that I see turning up with my clients in later years time again are those like :

  • "I'm not good enough.
  • I'm not deserving
  • I'm worthless
  • I'm unlovable
  • These beliefs have been installed, typically between the ages of 0-6, and in most cases unintentional by well-meaning parents.

Remember that a belief starts as just a thought.

It's simply a thought that you keep thinking and thinking and practicing.

Eventually what the thinker thinks the prover proves

This means you will see evidence all around you to prove to yourself that your belief it's true as it's showing up in your reality.

As adults, look at what beliefs you may have of yourself.

As a child, you had to "think" something in order to experience yourself.

You could have thought anything and what you settled on, you just practiced and practiced, it's just a story you have told yourself.

Its not true, until you made it so.

Your personality creates your personal reality

Mind is your brain in action.

So as you remind yourself everyday who you think you are.

The present personality who's sitting here today is called your life.

If you wanted to create a new personal reality on a fundamental level you would have to change your thoughts that your thinking, the behaviors and habits that your demonstrating and the emotions that you're memorized that  becomes part of your identity and most people try to create a new personal reality with the same personality and it never works.

When yo keep thinking the same thoughts, performing the same actions and living by the same experience that produce the same emotion theres a principle in neuroscience that says nerve cells that fire together wire together and if you keep repeating the same states of mind and body over and over again your brain begins to fire in the same sequences in the same patterns and same combinations and whenever you make your brain work  in a certain way that's called mind.  Mind is the brain in action.

So as you remind yourself everyday who you think you are you're causing your brain to fire the exact same way and as they fire the exact same ways and fire in the exact same patterns and same combination over time the move into an finite signature and that's called your personality.

It's the most commonly wired neurologically fired programs that runs redundantly because we keep doing the same things over and over again.

 To change the mind is to make the brain work in new sequences and new patterns and new combinations to begin to make the brain work differently.

Every time you bring awareness to a new perspective and learn something new, you make a new connection in your brain.  That's what learning is remembering and forging new connections. 

Remembering is sustaining those connections.

Every time you have a thought you make a chemical.  If you have a positive high thought which can be joy excitement ect, you turn on a set of circuits in your brain that fires in a very specific sequence ( the arousal system) pattern and combinations that produces level of mind that turns to another part of the brain that makes a chemical for you to begin to feel exactly the way you were just thinking greater or unlimited.

Now if you have negative high arousal example: anxiety or frustration or negative low arousal thought which is unhappy thought or a self-depreciating thought you turn on a different set of circuits.

Its a different set of circuits in a different combination to a different sequence in a different pattern that produces a different level of mind.

  The brain then begins to make a different batch of chemicals that signals the body for you to begin to feel exactly the way you were thinking, negative or unworthy.  So the moment you begin to feel the way you think, which makes you think the way you feel which makes more chemicals this can go on for 30 to 40 years.The redundancy of the cycle over time creates a state of being. 

A state of being is when your mind and body are working together or your thoughts and feelings are aligned to a concept.

So thoughts are the language of the brain and feelings are the language of the body (the arousal system).

And as people get caught in the cycle of thinking and feeling and feeling and thinking over time they condition their body to memorize that emotion as well as the conscious mind.  And when the body know as well as the mind that's called habit.


What is a habit?

A habit is when the body has become conditioned by the mind.  Now 95% of who you are by the time your 35 years old is a set of , set of emotional reactions, memorized behaviors, beliefs,  that create your attitudes from your perceptions that run just like a computer.

So the person wants to think positive but there feeling negative.  They want to put out there dreams but they feel unworthy. 

That's mind and body in oppoisition.  We have to recondition the body to a new mind.

What models of conditioning look like

Religious model

Freudian model

Behaviorist Model

Humanistic Model 

Actualization Model

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